Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011


              Paminta is a type of gaymen who keeps his being gay secret to people, even to his closest friends.

Here's an interview from a guy who considers himslf a paminta.

1. When did you realize that you are a girl at heart? Any experiences?
- Since birth! Haha. Kasi when i was 2 years old i remember having a crush sa cousin kong male. Hahaha. Aun. Kaya close kami kasi nga crush ko siya. :)))

2. What were your parents reaction when they found out that you are a homosexual?
-Whaaa. My parents dont know yet. Hihi. 

3. What are your views about same-sex marriage? Are you open with it?
Yup im open with it. Lets just say i have an OPEN mind. I think people have to understand that things change and we should be open with it and respect each others beliefs. 

4. Did you have any experiences where in you were discriminated by the around you? 
-When I was young people used to tease me and bully me. They kept calling me names like bakla and bading. But then when I started to become active in school (organizations and stuff) I've established something. And this "something" proved that I can be somebody else. And from then on I never let anyone treat me just like that. I learned to fight for myself and stand on my own (kasi nga hindi pa alam ng parents ko) 

5. Do you view yourself getting married in the future?
-Getting married with a guy, yes! 

6.Do you like to have kids in the future? If Yes, are you open to the idea of a surrogate mother or In Vitro Fertilization?
-Yup. Actually that's my plan kahit dati pa. I'll find a woman (preferably european) to be a surrogate mother nga for my child. 

7.What advice can you give to other homosexuals?
-Hmmm. To all my sisters out there (char!) basta establish yourself. We are in a position na konting wrong move super laki ng impact. People will pull you down. Kaya better na ilagay mo na yung sarili mo sa taas para when someone pulls you down you're not easily affected. Its not being mayabang. I think its more of being cautious. And just do what ever you want. But please gamitin ang isip before you make a move.

P.S. He decided to keep his identity


                 Efferm are gaymen who dresses and acts like a real girl and they're not afraid to show to the world how they look, dress, and act like.

1.Where did your confidence come from?
-From my mother, she accepted me for who I really am. She gave me confidence. 

2.Do you view yourself getting married in the future or having children of your own?
-Yes, I still want to have a family of my own because I don't want to grow old without someone taking good care of me.

3.What can you say about people who criticize you?
-I can't really please everybody and I don't really give a damn!

4.Do you feel left out from the society?
-Sometimes because some people can't really accept us and tend to criticize us like it's a crime to be like this.

5.What advice can you give to other homosexuals out there?
- Don't be afraid to show your true self to others. If you can't accept yourself for who you truly are, then don't expect others can. Start within yourself and be proud of who you are.

-Ricky(not his real name)

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