Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011


Bisexuals are the people who are attracted to both sexes (female and male). We know that when others hear the word "bisexual" others feel uncomfortable with this. They may have experienced something so we cannot blame them for whatever reason they may have. We should know that it's not their fault that they are like that. Think about this saying "What we are now, is the product of our past." Then bisexual people are like that maybe because of their past. Their past may have affected them and left a huge impact. We should learn to understand, respect and accept them.

We interviewed two bisexuals- one femme and one male. We ask some questions we're curious about:
  1. How he decide on that?
  2. How did the parents approve of it?
  3. How he copes up with the surroundings?
  4. Is life hard?
Femme - Don Angelio R. Dino
  1. Well, it was pretty awkward when I found out that I was gay for my father was in the army although, I kept thinking no matter how much I try I still the way I am and I just keep a positive vibe and let it ride and enjoy myself.
  2. They didn't approve yet, but my mother was totally okay with it. She even lent me one of her boots which was pretty cool, i really love my mom for accepting me for who I am.
  3. I cope up with it thinking that I'm not the only one and I can live by myself even if people will pull me down.
  4. Life will be hard if you think it it, for as long as you're happy with the way you live your life just go for it and be sophisticated, that's for me though. 
Male - William

  1. I'm not totally like, bisexual for there was only one gay I fell for. Although I fell in love with him because he had everything he could ever want, and despite the fact that he still manage to be friendly with those people who aren't as same as his standards, and I loved him for that, it's easy to fall in love with someone like him.
  2. I never told my parents, but that's because they were never around. They're always at work.
  3. I cope up with it by just saying, falling in love can also be of the same gender for as long as you give in totally.
  4. Life's not hard, but when you think of it life can be hard but you just have to think about the people who respects for your own beliefs and your attitude towards others. Be yourself and do not let anybody stop you.

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