Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011

Survey Reflection

As a frosh student, We're very unfamiliar with the SDA building. The survey introduced us to a lot of things that we should know about the community of Benilde. From the basics, important, weirdest and the creepiest informations, we really learned so many things from the people who have stayed long in SDA. Also the survey opened our mind like what people think about us frosh, which is so interesting. For the results of our survey, We find the answers interesting. Mainly because it’s the ideas of different people put into a conclusion. Especially with the ghost stories we have found out, most of the students are really aware of it. We can say that it is really proven that there is really ghost in our building. From the other questions, we may say that most Benildeans really think the same. Their favorite food to favorite places. There was one question that what do seniors think about frosh. One answered that frosh students actually go in groups and it was true though. Sometimes we see the whole block together and maybe we may not judge it because fresh from high school, we really love to be in groups and maybe scared to be alone knowing nothing.

Minding all the things that have been heard, seen or felt must just be taken as an experience. Though these things may be quite interesting, it’s better to concentrate on your studies and make good grades and minding your own business. We know that there are still a lot of things to learn about SDA and we’re just starting to get there. Being a frosh taught us a lot of things but also; We still want to learn more and more about our school. We just thank the people who took time to answer our survey. And for now, at least their answers helped us learn more about our building. As we grow in this institution for the next years, it's still an interest for us to know more about College of Saint Benilde.

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