Huwebes, Hulyo 28, 2011

Why I Suck...


             Nobody's perfect right? Everybody has his/her own imperfections. Be it on his/her physical appearance or his/her personality, you really can't say that somebody's perfect. That's why living is so much fun. Because being imperfect gives you thrills in life. Can you just imagine being perfect? Your life would really suck. 
            And I'm no exception to this. I have a lot of imperfections within myself. But the most I consider harmful for me or the one that bothers me the most is I being too kind to people. Please don't get me wrong in here. But its just how it is. I'm really kind to people. I would not care whether they go out of the line, I would still be there patiently listening and being their friend. I don't know, it became my sickness ever since. I just don't like people getting mad at me or like judging me negatively. But I guess, I really can't please everybody can I? Now that I'm in college, I promised to myself that I would fight back whenever someone tries to go out of the line with me. Not really fight as in fight but yeah, I wouldn't really sit back and just relax. I've became stronger! Trust me, my experience about this made me a stronger person. 

                                                                                                                                By: Phyllis Ngo

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