Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011


              Paminta is a type of gaymen who keeps his being gay secret to people, even to his closest friends.

Here's an interview from a guy who considers himslf a paminta.

1. When did you realize that you are a girl at heart? Any experiences?
- Since birth! Haha. Kasi when i was 2 years old i remember having a crush sa cousin kong male. Hahaha. Aun. Kaya close kami kasi nga crush ko siya. :)))

2. What were your parents reaction when they found out that you are a homosexual?
-Whaaa. My parents dont know yet. Hihi. 

3. What are your views about same-sex marriage? Are you open with it?
Yup im open with it. Lets just say i have an OPEN mind. I think people have to understand that things change and we should be open with it and respect each others beliefs. 

4. Did you have any experiences where in you were discriminated by the around you? 
-When I was young people used to tease me and bully me. They kept calling me names like bakla and bading. But then when I started to become active in school (organizations and stuff) I've established something. And this "something" proved that I can be somebody else. And from then on I never let anyone treat me just like that. I learned to fight for myself and stand on my own (kasi nga hindi pa alam ng parents ko) 

5. Do you view yourself getting married in the future?
-Getting married with a guy, yes! 

6.Do you like to have kids in the future? If Yes, are you open to the idea of a surrogate mother or In Vitro Fertilization?
-Yup. Actually that's my plan kahit dati pa. I'll find a woman (preferably european) to be a surrogate mother nga for my child. 

7.What advice can you give to other homosexuals?
-Hmmm. To all my sisters out there (char!) basta establish yourself. We are in a position na konting wrong move super laki ng impact. People will pull you down. Kaya better na ilagay mo na yung sarili mo sa taas para when someone pulls you down you're not easily affected. Its not being mayabang. I think its more of being cautious. And just do what ever you want. But please gamitin ang isip before you make a move.

P.S. He decided to keep his identity


                 Efferm are gaymen who dresses and acts like a real girl and they're not afraid to show to the world how they look, dress, and act like.

1.Where did your confidence come from?
-From my mother, she accepted me for who I really am. She gave me confidence. 

2.Do you view yourself getting married in the future or having children of your own?
-Yes, I still want to have a family of my own because I don't want to grow old without someone taking good care of me.

3.What can you say about people who criticize you?
-I can't really please everybody and I don't really give a damn!

4.Do you feel left out from the society?
-Sometimes because some people can't really accept us and tend to criticize us like it's a crime to be like this.

5.What advice can you give to other homosexuals out there?
- Don't be afraid to show your true self to others. If you can't accept yourself for who you truly are, then don't expect others can. Start within yourself and be proud of who you are.

-Ricky(not his real name)


Lesbian is a sexual and romantic desire between female. Nowadays, not only male and female exist in our world but we accept change gender. At olden times, this may not be really exposed to public but as time goes to another generation we try to just be comfortable around them. We would like to share on our experiences interviewing lesbians and asking them questions that make us really curious with there different gender. These questions would really help understand them.

So here are the questions for Lesbian – Butch/ Name: Ken Ken

  1. Why do some butch have the same sport of hairstyle?

I don’t know because I have different hairstyle.

  1. When did you realize that you were a butch?

Since I was a kid.

  1. Is it offensive to call someone a butch or you being called as one?

No, not really

  1. Who was your idol growing up?


  1. When did you realize that you were attracted to women

Ever since I was a kid.

For Lesbian-Femme/Name: Edlin Jorah Villacrusis

  1. Do you feel an outcast? Like sometimes you don’t belong?

No, I feel so much loved by my friends kahit na ganito ako. In fact, doon ko mas nakita kung sino ang mga tunay ko na kaibigan.

  1. When did you know you were a lesbian?

Kasi high school palang ako, I get attracted sa mga girls na pero naconfirm ko na gusto ko talaga ang girl noong na nasaktan ako sa first love ko.

  1. Are your parents approve with this issue?

My parents has no idea na ganito ako.


Bisexuals are the people who are attracted to both sexes (female and male). We know that when others hear the word "bisexual" others feel uncomfortable with this. They may have experienced something so we cannot blame them for whatever reason they may have. We should know that it's not their fault that they are like that. Think about this saying "What we are now, is the product of our past." Then bisexual people are like that maybe because of their past. Their past may have affected them and left a huge impact. We should learn to understand, respect and accept them.

We interviewed two bisexuals- one femme and one male. We ask some questions we're curious about:
  1. How he decide on that?
  2. How did the parents approve of it?
  3. How he copes up with the surroundings?
  4. Is life hard?
Femme - Don Angelio R. Dino
  1. Well, it was pretty awkward when I found out that I was gay for my father was in the army although, I kept thinking no matter how much I try I still the way I am and I just keep a positive vibe and let it ride and enjoy myself.
  2. They didn't approve yet, but my mother was totally okay with it. She even lent me one of her boots which was pretty cool, i really love my mom for accepting me for who I am.
  3. I cope up with it thinking that I'm not the only one and I can live by myself even if people will pull me down.
  4. Life will be hard if you think it it, for as long as you're happy with the way you live your life just go for it and be sophisticated, that's for me though. 
Male - William

  1. I'm not totally like, bisexual for there was only one gay I fell for. Although I fell in love with him because he had everything he could ever want, and despite the fact that he still manage to be friendly with those people who aren't as same as his standards, and I loved him for that, it's easy to fall in love with someone like him.
  2. I never told my parents, but that's because they were never around. They're always at work.
  3. I cope up with it by just saying, falling in love can also be of the same gender for as long as you give in totally.
  4. Life's not hard, but when you think of it life can be hard but you just have to think about the people who respects for your own beliefs and your attitude towards others. Be yourself and do not let anybody stop you.

Huwebes, Hulyo 28, 2011

Why Am I Epic...

            I am me! It's as simple as that. I'm epic because I was born this way. Really now...inspired from Lady Gaga's song eh? Kidding aside, everybody's unique in our own ways. I may be lazy at times and I may not be the best person you know, or the best daughter to my parents , or the best friend one can have,but I know that I still have my own sense of uniqueness. I have my own skills and talents. I have my own face and body to be proud of. Well, I don't really look like one of those models you see on a magazine cover, but I know that I'm beautiful inside and out.

                                                                                                                             By: Phyllis Ngo

Why I Suck...


             Nobody's perfect right? Everybody has his/her own imperfections. Be it on his/her physical appearance or his/her personality, you really can't say that somebody's perfect. That's why living is so much fun. Because being imperfect gives you thrills in life. Can you just imagine being perfect? Your life would really suck. 
            And I'm no exception to this. I have a lot of imperfections within myself. But the most I consider harmful for me or the one that bothers me the most is I being too kind to people. Please don't get me wrong in here. But its just how it is. I'm really kind to people. I would not care whether they go out of the line, I would still be there patiently listening and being their friend. I don't know, it became my sickness ever since. I just don't like people getting mad at me or like judging me negatively. But I guess, I really can't please everybody can I? Now that I'm in college, I promised to myself that I would fight back whenever someone tries to go out of the line with me. Not really fight as in fight but yeah, I wouldn't really sit back and just relax. I've became stronger! Trust me, my experience about this made me a stronger person. 

                                                                                                                                By: Phyllis Ngo

Why I am Epic

I am epic because friends can always count on me when they need my help, I can make sure I am always available whenever and wherever they need me, I can always extend my helping hand.  When they need my company, I am always present. When they are  down, I make sure they have a shoulder to cry on. Whenever they have a personal problem, I see to it that I can present or suggest a useful advice. They can always talk to me about everything and can always trust me in every secrets they share. I always show my sincerity towards my friends. I am epic because I am always honest in dealing with everything even with money matters. To sum up everything I am a person who is true to myself and my friends.

by: Janelle Chan-Tan

Why do I suck

                Everybody has their own way of life. There are times when we make good at something we do, but sometimes or a lot of times we just can’t make things go right. That’s the time when everything sucks. That sucking moment happened almost every time I ascend or descend the stairs of a certain mall. I am a person who is sometimes careless in handling personal things, just like what happened recently when I lost my phone for the second time. Every time I would try to bake cookies they would always come out (sunog). There are times when some friends of mine will laugh so hard at jokes while I would be sitting stiff with late reactions or worse, with none. Another sucking moment happened when I bumped into a glass panel and was witnessed by several people. These are some uncontrollable events in my life, and as everything is said I wish these embarrassing moments would not happen again.
by: Janelle Chan-Tan